Making things creditable, giving them a soul, make actions count. Sounddesign is the equivalent of making awesome things more awesome. Every punch, every step, every door just needs the right sound to shine and immerse the viewer. If its in an video, game or app doesn't matter. I create striking arrangements to level up your precious project. Have a look at some of my most recent projects!



HALBSCHLAF shows a string of surreal events in a not wide awake state. This animated short by Elia Hueneburg, stands out by its fast paced and vastly different environments the protagonist moves through. As the sounddesigner, I created soundeffects inspired by the creaky wooden floor and bare feet in the first scene and morphed them through the different stages. Even when the short gets quite fictional there are still objects and stuff sounding familiar which percepts that it's still a dream.


This is is a showcase about the possibilities of virtual and mixed reality. The player spawns in a forest with a campfire burning nearby. You can look around in every direction and the sounds will be in 3D-Stereo. This early Alpha-Version shows how the sound supports the immersive feeling of this project. My part was to record, select, edit, master and composing the whole soundscape of the 3D environment. The 3D compositing and music was made by TRIAD.


In this educational video series, physics get explained to children and teenagers with examples that are easy to understand. A happy upbeat music and quite cartoony audio that conveys that it's all easier than it may appear at the first glance. Besides recording and editing of the soundeffects for this video I also composed the soundtrack for this video project.